advertising, Google

Google Adsense Link Units vs Ad Units

As part of the ad trial I’ve been running on the blog, I said I’d keep readers in touch with progress as thanks for putting up with the ads on a previously ad-free blog.

In part two of the trial, I experimented with adding Adsense Link Units, between the article and the comments on individual posts.

It’s been about five weeks now and I have sufficient data to make a judgement for this blog at least.

The Link Units on the page have been clicked on nearly twice as much, but they have got a much lower CPM (virtually nothing, but statistically 25 times less), no doubt the requirement for the second revenue-generating click on reacing the Google search engine results page playing its part.

This does raise the question about trialing Ad Units in that space to see the relative click-through rates, although I’ll hold off for a while as Technocloud is not a revenue generating exercise.

Needless to say I’m removing the Link Units to declutter the site, but would be interested in hearing about other people’s experiences.

1 Comment

  1. My guess is that the Adsense ads did not contextualize well to the audience on this blog. I’m guessing there isn’t enough “specificity” in this short article, for example. The reason I say this is that on my web site, which has a lot of content for women on fashion, beauty, arts, and original music, we get Adsense links that seem very relevant for the visitors, and they seem to do OK. In other words, when visitors click on the “link” they need to see ads that attract them. This blog may be for engineers and computer experts (?), maybe less likely to buy consumer items ?

    Well, that’s my experience. I know it is not statistically meaningfule… Anyone else want to share their experience so we have a larger data set ?

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