Best ways to make quick money in GTA Online

Quick ways to make money GTA Online as a beginner

If you’re starting out in GTA Online, then you’ll soon realise that to make money, you’ll need to spent a lot of money.

So, how do you get that money in the first place so you can start owning the most lucrative businesses in the game for long term earnings?

Watch the video above to see all the options in action.

Thankfully there are a number of things you can do to earn decent money before you start forking out for an expensive Office, Business or Kosatka submarine (to unlock the Cayo Perico Heist).

I’d recommend using the handy map at to find the locations of the majority of these activities, where applicable.

One-off big money activities with no setup cost

There are three ‘treasure hunts’ in the game, each of which will earn you well over $250k along with some enjoyable gameplay and unlock unique weapons.

  • The Los Santos Slasher Serial Killer: hunt down the serial killer by following the clues to unlock the Navy Revolver. Get 50 kills with the new weapon and you’ll earn a nice $200k bonus as well. Full video on this is here:
  • Maude’s Bounty Hunter missions: go to the ‘M’ near Sandy Shores to kick off a series of bounty hunter missions which will unlock the epic Stone Hatchet, a weapon so good it comes with its own unique rampage ability to earn another $20k bonus. Full video on this is here:
  • Double Action Revolver treasure hunt: solve the location clues sent to your phone to complete this and earn another $250k bonus

Finally, use the map to find the location of the Collectibles, the list of which you’ll find in the Interaction menu – collect all of a category and you’ll earn a good six figure bonus, such as finding all 10 Movie Props for a $150k bonus.

One-off good money, but also repayable

Don’t forget to play Flight School which can earn you well over $250k, plus even more if you can achieve gold which is relatively easy in the first few challenges. You can also go back and replay this.

The First Dose set of missions can be played without having to be an expensive Property or Vehicle first and will earn you some decent, if not spectacular money. Best of all it unlocks the Acid Lab van and the Last Dose set of missions. All of these can be replayed via the Missions menu to keep earning.

Make sure you play the weekly events & bonuses

Keep a close eye on the weekly Rockstar Newswire with the bonuses for the week. These can mean double or even quadruple bonuses which can really add up. Sometimes they require you to have the associated business, such as Bunker deliveries, but often there are non-business challenges which can quickly ramp up your earnings. For example, last week saw x4 payout for the Trevor Contact missions which meant you could earn $50 in a few minutes work over and again.

Don’t forget to do your weekly Time Trials, particularly if you’re handy behind the wheel. Some of them take a little more practice than others, but the Junk Energy Time Trial is particularly easy and can earn you $50k for the first time you complete them in the week, all for 1-2 minutes work.

Do the Daily Events

If you go into your Interaction menu, you’ll find the list of Daily Objectives (see video above for where these are located). Complete all 3 and you’ll get a $30k bonus, do it 7 days in a row for $150k bonus or 28 days in a row for a massive $750k bonus. Note that you may not always be able to do them as some are specific to a business or weapon.

Make sure you visit the Casino every (real world) day to spin the Casino Wheel and if your luck is in you can win decent money or even the car.

Use the map to find the daily locations of the Daily Collectibles, such as the Shipwreck for a very quick $20k.

Visit the icon on the map to top up your cash, ammo and snacks by finding the daily G’s Cache and top up any businesses you own and/or get a cash bonus by raiding Gerald’s Stash Houses.

If you’re good at doing them then the Junk Energy Skydives can be worth your time as you get $5k for each, a $50k bonus for all and $50k more for doing all 10, so a potential $150k.

There are numerous challenges that appear if you’re in a Public Lobby and these can be worth doing if it’s one you are good at or if no one else is competing. These include Criminal Damage, King of the Castle and the various Business Battles. It’s usually only really worth it if you finish in first or second place where you can earn $25-50k, so check to see how many other people compete in the first couple of minutes and decide whether it’s worth it at that point.

Random Events

These are only really worth doing when they spawn near you as you can spent 15 minutes trying to find one of the locations for these to spawn only for them not to appear in your session – they are named ‘random’ of reason.

These include the Security Vans, Store Robberies, Smugglers Cache and Smugglers Plane all of which can earn you $20-50k for a minute or two’s work.

VIP work

VIP work is a good way to start out in GTA Online as the missions are relatively simple and can earn you quick money. The traditional two to start with are Sightseer and Headhunter, but you will unlock more as you level up. You’ll need $50k in your bank account to register as a VIP.

Join other players to really kickstart your earning potential

Rockstar wants you to join up with other players and makes it worth your while for doing so.

To start things off make yourself available for VIP work via the Interaction Menu  and help out other players. You’ll receive a small wage, but also get a share of their earnings and, most important of all, you’ll have the opportunity to add them as friends so you can take part in Heists together.

It’s also worth saying that playing together with your new or existing friends can be some of the most fun you can have in the game.

Join other players, particularly experienced ones, and you can get a cut of their millions for joining their successful Heists. Of course you’ll need to follow the most important rule and make sure you don’t keep getting yourself killed and ruining their Heist so keep your head down and you should be fine!

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