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Velum approach vehicle in stealth not aggression mode – GTA Online

Velum approach stealth mode

By default the Velum approach to the Cayo Perico Heist is in aggression mode. This means you need to pick up your secondary loot and fight all your way to the compound before even taking on the guards inside.

There is, however, a much easier way to do the Velum approach – watch our video above to see it in action.

The Velum is probably the best way to start the Heist if your best secondary loot and guards uniform have spawned at the airport. It’s also one of the easiest approach vehicles to steal when doing the prep work.

To enable stealth you need to ensure you buy the ‘Weapon Stash’ option in the ‘Hire Support Crew’ menu at the bottom of the heist setup page. This is the only option where you don’t need to disable the Control Tower before calling your Support Crew.

Once you’ve paid the fee, your weapons stash will be waiting for you inside the aircraft hangar on the left as you enter through the doors. If you haven’t yet picked it up, the guards with the red indicators can still detect you, although the ones with the white dots will ignore you.

Thankfully the guard by the entrance to the aircraft hangar has a white dot so you don’t have to fight your way through him unarmed.

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