How to target Kosatka guided missiles GTA Online

Kosata guided missiles aiming

The Kosatka submarine is one of the best vehicles in GTA Online. You can use it to fast travel across the map, fire torpedoes, setup the highly profitable Cayo Perico heist, store your Sparrow and underwater vehicles and also it comes with its own set of guided missiles.

See how to use them in the video above.

The guided missiles take a little practice to master, but are a fun way of gaining some revenge from the comfort of your submarine chair.

So, how do you pick out a target and ensure you hit it at least some of the time?

  • Use the standard full map view to pick out your target. It’s hard to hit someone on the move, so you’re looking for a relatively static target in as open ground as possible, e.g. not in between buildings
  • Unfortunately you can’t set a marker on the map and auto target, so you’ll need to guide your missile to your target manually
  • When you’ve launched your missile use the full map view to gauge the general direction of travel of your missile
  • Switch out to normal view and toggle to open the expanded mini-map (bottom left). This expanded mini-map is the best map for guiding your missile. Switch between the main map and the mini-map to ensure your missile is pointing towards your target
  • You can’t alter the speed of your missile, but you can control the direction
  • Unlike the aircraft controls, pushing up will point the nose up and down will push the nose down. Left and right are as normal
  • If you think you will overshoot your target just do another sweep as the missile will fly for a reasonable time as long as you remain within range
  • The range of the missile is around a third of the map and if you go beyond this you will get a ‘losing connection’ message and can no longer control the missile. However, if it’s just about to hit you can sometimes still take out your target
  • It is possible to take out targets in the air (see video above!), but it’s not easy, you’ll need to get them on visual and adjust the rocket to their speed and movement
  • Try to get a visual on your target when you get close and then get them right in the centre of the green target marker
  • The explosion range is relatively small so you need to be accurate and hit within a few metres
  • They come with a cooldown period of only 1 minute meaning they are ready to fire by the time you’ve picked out your next potential target. Or you just can switch chairs to just the second one.
  • And finally, please don’t ruin someone’s session by constantly targeting them (unless maybe they’ve been doing that to you first!)


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