How to start Madrazo Hit bounties GTA Online

Start Madrazo Hits

The Madrazo Hits are new daily content added to the Bottom Dollar Bounty DLC.

The concept itself is nothing new and indeed is a less complicated version of the Payphone Hits that you run from the Agency. To start them you’ll need to own a Bail Office which you can buy from Maze Bank Foreclosures on your in-game phone.

Then you’ll see a Madrazo Hits ‘M’ appear on your map in one of 15 possible locations which can vary by day and by player. You can only complete one a day, continuing the theme of long cooldown periods for recent content which is disappointing as it would have been good to be able to do all 15 potential hits in a day and perhaps earn an additional bonus as you can with the parachute jumps.

When you approach the ‘M’ on your map, an option will appear to contact Madrazo and you will get a picture of your target along with information on which weapon you need to use to earn the full bonus. Bear in mind that you can use any weapon of that type, e.g. when it says ‘Pistol’ any of the available pistols will earn your bonus.

You then need to find your target in the area marked in yellow. If you have a vehicle with auto-targeting it will also pick them out for you, but don’t fire if you want to get that bonus!

Take out your target, who will usually have 3 accomplices defending them, take a picture of the body on your phone and send it to Madrazo. You’ll pick up two wanted stars in the process. Then you just need to leave the area to complete the mission.

The standard payout is $40k with a $20k bonus for completing it with the target weapon. Complete three in the first week (starts 18 July 2024) and you’ll also get a $100k bonus.

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