RSS, testing, widgets

TechnoCloud the widget

Now you can add TechnoCloud as a widget to your blog or space courtesy of Widgetbox’s Blidget. Widgetbox also comes with a built-in stats package which allows the publisher to see not only subscriber numbers, but also the number of views of a particular widget. The widget can also be customised in terms of size, colour and function.

As a test, I’ve just setup TechnoCloud as an RSS feed using the Flickr toys broadway poster image from earlier in the week. To get it click on ‘Get widget’ at the bottom of the widget.

One initial observation. I originally installed the widget on my sidebar, but couldn’t help noticing that the page took much longer to load, so decided to restrict it to this post. Perhaps I’ll be sticking to straightforward RSS in the future…

If it’s taking an eternity to load, let me know in the comments and it’ll be consigned to the widgibin.

Get great free widgets at Widgetbox!


  1. petep

    Hmm, not exactly lightening quick any more is it? At least it’s last to load. Widgibin it? 😉

  2. determinator

    Also puts ‘Get great free widgets at Widgetbox!’ in the RSS feed. You’ve been had!

  3. xBmDmS I’m not easily impressed. . . but that’s impressing me! 🙂

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